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Leaders in Family Matters

How to Prepare for Your Initial Consultation with a Family Lawyer

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How to Prepare for Your Initial Consultation with a Family Lawyer

Taking the first step to consult with a family lawyer can feel overwhelming, especially when dealing with sensitive and emotional legal issues such as divorce, child custody, adoption, or surrogacy. However, being well-prepared for your initial consultation can make the experience more productive and less stressful. At Surratt Law Practice we understand the importance of this first meeting, and we want to ensure that you get the most out of it. Here’s a guide on how to prepare for your initial consultation with a family lawyer.

1. Gather Relevant Documents

One of the most important things you can do before your consultation is to gather all relevant documents related to your case. This will give your attorney a clear understanding of the situation and help them provide accurate advice. Depending on your case, these documents might include:

  • For Divorce: Prenuptial or post nuptial agreements, financial statements, tax returns, proof of income, property deeds, and any existing court orders or legal agreements.
  • For Child Custody: Birth certificates, existing custody orders, school records, medical records, and any correspondence related to custody arrangements.
  • For Adoption: Adoption applications, birth certificates, correspondence with adoption agencies, and any relevant legal documents.
  • For Surrogacy: Surrogacy agreements, medical records, communication with the surrogate or agency, contracts with fertility clinics, and any legal documentation regarding parental rights.

Bringing these documents to your consultation allows the lawyer to assess your case more effectively and provides a strong foundation for your discussion.

2. Write Down Your Questions and Concerns.

It’s easy to forget important details when you’re in the midst of a conversation, especially when discussing emotional or complex issues. Before your consultation, take some time to write down any questions or concerns you have. Consider the following:

  • For Divorce: Questions about the division of assets, spousal support, and the timeline of the divorce process.
  • For Child Custody: Concerns about custody arrangements, visitation rights, and the legal standards for determining custody.
  • For Adoption: Questions about the adoption process, timelines, legal requirements, and post-adoption support.
  • For Surrogacy: Inquiries about the legal steps to secure parental rights, the enforceability of surrogacy agreements, and any potential legal challenges.

Having a list of questions ensures that you cover all the topics that matter most to you and helps you leave the consultation with a clearer understanding of your legal situation. It may also be prudent to take notes from the consult so that you are clear on the items discussed; however, care should be taken to keep your notes private and protected from prying eyes.

3. Be Honest and Open About Your Situation

Your attorney is there to help you, and they can do so most effectively when they have a complete and accurate picture of your situation. During the consultation, be honest and open about the facts of your case, even if some details are difficult to discuss. This includes:

  • For Divorce: Any marital issues, financial concerns, or incidents that may impact the divorce proceedings.
  • For Child Custody: Any concerns about your child’s well-being, your relationship with the other parent, and any relevant incidents that could affect custody decisions.
  • For Adoption: Any challenges or concerns you have faced during the adoption process, and your relationship with the birth parents or adoption agency.
  • For Surrogacy: The dynamics of your relationship with the surrogate, any concerns about the surrogacy process, and your hopes and expectations for the outcome.

Complete transparency allows your lawyer to provide you with the most accurate legal advice and to prepare for any potential challenges that may arise. Lawyers do not like surprises, do not surprise your lawyer with facts that come out in a court hearing, the more your lawyer knows ahead of time, the better prepared they can be for you.

4. Consider Your Goals and Priorities

Before your consultation, take some time to think about your goals and priorities for the legal process. What is most important to you? What outcomes are you hoping to achieve? For example:

  • For Divorce: You might prioritize securing financial stability, maintaining a positive relationship with your ex-spouse for co-parenting, or protecting certain assets.
  • For Child Custody: Your top priority might be ensuring that your child’s best interests are met, maintaining a close relationship with your child, or securing a fair and balanced custody arrangement.
  • For Adoption: You may focus on ensuring a smooth transition for the child, protecting the rights of all parties involved, or completing the adoption process as quickly as possible.
  • For Surrogacy: Your primary goals might include securing your parental rights, maintaining a positive relationship with the surrogate, or ensuring that the surrogacy process aligns with your ethical and legal standards.

Understanding your goals helps your attorney tailor their advice and strategy to meet your needs.

5. Be Prepared to Discuss Financials

Family law cases often involve financial considerations, whether it’s discussing the division of assets in a divorce, understanding the costs associated with surrogacy, or addressing financial responsibilities in adoption. Be prepared to discuss your financial situation openly with your attorney, and bring any relevant financial documents, such as:

  • Bank statements
  • Tax returns
  • Pay stubs
  • Property deeds
  • Loan documents

This information helps your attorney provide more accurate advice and allows them to develop a legal strategy that aligns with your financial circumstances.

6. Understand the Consultation Process

Finally, it’s important to know what to expect during your initial consultation. Typically, the consultation will involve:

  • A discussion of your case and legal concerns
  • An overview of the legal process and potential outcomes
  • An explanation of the attorney’s fees and billing practices
  • An opportunity for you to ask questions and express your concerns

Remember, this is your chance to determine if the attorney is the right fit for you. Don’t hesitate to ask about their experience, approach to cases like yours, and how they plan to help you achieve your goals.


Preparing for your initial consultation with a family lawyer can help you feel more confident and in control of your legal situation. By gathering relevant documents, writing down your questions, being honest about your circumstances, considering your goals, and being prepared to discuss financials, you’ll be well-equipped to make the most of your consultation.

At Surratt Law Practice, we are committed to providing compassionate and knowledgeable legal support tailored to your unique needs. Whether you’re dealing with divorce, child custody, adoption, or surrogacy, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Schedule your initial consultation today, and let us help you take the next steps toward resolving your family law matters.
