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5 Myths on Surrogacy


There is a lot of misinformation involving surrogacy. Surratt Law Practice wants to help you debunk 5 common myths about surrogacy.
Myth 1: The surrogate is always related to the baby.     
There are two types of surrogacy. One type involves using a surrogate simply as a host of the embryo. In this case, the embryo transferred to the surrogate is already genetically created by the intended parents or by embryo donation (or both). When the surrogate is unrelated to the embryo, she is often called a gestational carrier. The other route involves a surrogate that doubles as the host and the egg donor. When the surrogate is genetically related to the embryo, it is sometimes called traditional surrogacy. Traditional surrogacy is the least common type of surrogacy. Very few states, matching programs, or medical clinics allow traditional surrogacy.  
Myth 2: People choose surrogacy because they don’t want to be pregnant.
Surrogacy is not an easy journey. Most intended parents use surrogacy because they physically, emotionally, or medically cannot carry a pregnancy to term on their own. Those that chose surrogacy did not choose this path lightly. We have families with cancer, years of infertility struggles, and same-gender couples that would not have a family but for surrogacy.   
Myth 3: Intended parents struggle to bond with their baby.
The bond between a baby and the intended parent starts during pregnancy. Still, it carries on well after the birth of the baby. Most surrogates want to share this experience with you and your partner. Attending doctor’s appointments, spending time with your surrogate, talking to your baby in the belly, and ultimately being there for the birth are just some ways you can create a bond with your baby. But remember, it’s the relationship you form with your baby after they are born that matters the most. 
Myth 4: A surrogate can change their mind and keep the baby once born.
Surrogacy is a statutory creation. A surrogate cannot change her mind and keep the baby where there are good laws. Why? Because under good surrogacy laws, the surrogate was never a parent. This means that you want to choose where your baby is born carefully to dictate what laws will apply. Some say that gestational surrogacy (not traditional surrogacy) also increases your chances of success. Suppose the surrogate is not genetically attached to the baby. In that case, there is less chance that she will have parental rights over the baby and, in theory, less emotional attachment to the baby. Last, it is essential to do a good job screening potential surrogates. A well-screened surrogate does not become a surrogate to have more children for their family. They want to help you build your family, not theirs. 
Myth 5: Surrogates are only in it for the money. 

Depending on where your surrogate lives, they will likely get compensated for their time and the work they put in to help you have your baby. But by no means do they do it “for the money .”If you’re using an agency, they will thoroughly screen potential surrogates to ensure they do it for the right reasons. Many surrogates felt the call to surrogacy when they were young. At the same time, some decided to help others build families after seeing loved ones struggle to conceive on their own.
We can understand why these thoughts exist, but we want to ensure that these thoughts are indeed myths. Surrogacy is just one of many beautiful ways to grow your family! We promise it’s worth it!

Kimberly (Kim) Surratt is an experienced surrogacy and assisted reproduction law attorney. She has 20 years of experience in surrogacy, she wrote and lobbied for every single surrogacy statute in the State of Nevada, and she has trained many other attorneys in Nevada, California, and the United States. She has developed a relationship with many fertility clinics, matching programs, and assisted reproduction attorneys around the world. She is licensed in both Nevada and California and can help you realize your dream of being a parent.

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