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Leaders in Family Matters

Earth Day Community Clean-Up



Here is the 3-4 cubic yards of trash my volunteers and I pulled out of the Wetland between Los Altos and Disc Drive. Thank you to everyone who came out to help us.

Please join your friends and neighbors for a neighborhood and wetland clean-up. The trash in the wetland and in our neighborhoods is easily noticed, but difficult to remove without many
helping hands.

  • Water and biodegradable trash bags will be provided.
    • Please bring a reusable cup, thermos or water bottle – one use plastic water
      bottles will NOT be provided.
  • When: April 20, 2019 from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.
  • Where: Meet at the Miguel Sepulveda Elementary School Parking Lot
    • 5075 Ion Dr, Sparks, NV 89436
  • Specific Tasks:
    • Remove trash from wetland and neighborhood
    • Child safe areas will be designated, a map will be provided at the event.


Things to Bring:

Please make sure to dress appropriately for walking in mud and organic debris. Boots, and
appropriate pants should be worn (cotton is a bad idea). Gloves, wide brimmed hats,
appropriate protection from the elements and trash pickers are also very helpful if you have
them. Standard garden tools may be brought as well. We will be sweeping, raking and
removing debris on the walkways as well as into the wetland over a one-mile path loop.

Caution and Reminder:

The wetland is a protected environment. Volunteers are reminded not to walk into the water
and be cautious as the ground is uneven. Persons with disabilities, old injuries or limitations
must take this into account. You are responsible for injuries or accidents sustained in your
volunteer capacity.

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