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Leaders in Family Matters

Children’s Books for LGBTQ Families


How My Family Came to Be: Daddy, Papa and Me

by Andrew R. Aldrich

A necessary addition to all home, school and public libraries – representing the true diversity of today’s families. Reaches out to younger children with fun and expressive illustrations and also to older children with the explanation of how 2 dads went through the process of creating their family!

King and King

by Linda de Haan

When a grouchy queen tells her lay about son that it’s time for him to marry, he sighs, “Very well, Mother…. I must say, though, I’ve never cared much for princesses.” His young page winks. Several unsatisfactory bachelorettes visit the castle before “Princess Madeleine and her brother, Prince Lee” appear in the doorway. The hero is smitten at once. “What a wonderful prince!” he and Prince Lee both exclaim, as a shower of tiny Valentine hearts flutters between them. First-time co-authors and artists de Hann and Nijland conclude with the royal wedding of “King and King,” the page boy’s blushing romance with the leftover princess and the assurance that “everyone lives happily ever after.”

And Tango Makes Three (Classic Board Books)

by Justin Richardson

The heartwarming true story of two penguins who create a nontraditional family is now available in a sturdy board book edition.

At the penguin house at the Central Park Zoo, two penguins named Roy and Silo were a little bit different from the others. But their desire for a family was the same. And with the help of a kindly zookeeper, Roy and Silo got the chance to welcome a baby penguin of their very own.

In time for the tenth anniversary of And Tango Makes Three, this Classic Board Book edition is the perfect size for small hands.

Jack and Jim

by Kitty Crowther

Jack the blackbird and Jim the seagull become friends, but Jack is sad that the other seagulls do not seem to like him.

The Family Book

by Todd Parr

The Family Book celebrates the love we feel for our families and all the different varieties they come in. Whether you have two moms or two dads, a big family or a small family, a clean family or a messy one, Todd Parr assures readers that no matter what kind of family you have, every family is special in its own unique way.

Parr’s message about the importance of embracing our differences is delivered in a playful way. With his trademark bold, bright colors and silly scenes, this book will encourage children to ask questions about their own families. Perfect for young children just beginning to read, The Family Book is designed to encourage early literacy, enhance emotional development, celebrate multiculturalism, promote character growth, and strengthen family relationships

Emma and Meesha My Boy: A Two Mom Story

by Kaitlyn Taylor Considine

This is a sweet, charming story of a little girl learning to treat her cat. The illustrations are bright and entertaining, yet reflect the simplicity of the text for young readers.

Daddy’s Roommate

by Michael Willhoite

A young boy discusses his divorced father’s new living situation, in which the father and his gay roommate share eating, doing chores, playing, loving, and living.

123 A Family Counting Book

by Bobbie Combs

Have fun with the kids, moms, dads, and pets in this delightful book that celebrates LGBT families as it teaches young children to count from one to twenty.

My Two Cool Moms

by Ms. Kristine Ebona

Every family is unique. Different does not mean wrong. Kendrick has two cool moms and his house is always filled with adventures and love. This book is a celebration of all types of families!

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