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Leaders in Family Matters

Nevada Collaborative Divorce Professionals Starting Again


Roll Up Your Sleeves and Settle …

Local Northern Nevada lawyers, mental health professionals and financial experts are again working to bring Collaborative Practice to the table as an option to resolve family law disputes. Keep your eyes on the website as we begin naming all the new members of Nevada Collaborative Divorce Professionals (NCDP). Melissa L. Exline, Esq. is the Vice President of NCDP and looks forward to working to bring this existing model to life in Nevada once again.

Collaborative practice involves bringing together lawyers, divorce coaches (trained mental health professionals) and financials experts (CPA’s, CDFA, and others) as a team to work with couples to resolve their disputes respectfully. Normally, in the adversarial divorce model, the lawyers work with clients “against” the other side and each gathers their own experts to prove why their side is right. Typically, that adversarial model is costly – financially and emotionally. Indeed, in practical buying proscar in thailand reality, it is very hard for families to come surface on the other side of a typical adversarial divorce without deep emotional scars. Put simply, it is traumatizing to go through a “normal” divorce, especially with a child custody dispute. With a collaborative approach, it can be financially less costly as the team works together to get to a settlement that everyone can live with. There are a number of trained collaborative divorce professionals in Northern Nevada who agree to adhere to the model. Certainly, the family does better because there are fewer scathing attacks to fend off from lawyers whose job it is to prove their side is “better.”

For more information on Collaborative Divorce, check the IACP website. If you are interested in the Collaborative approach, let us know when calling for a consultation.

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