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Leaders in Family Matters

Grace’s Journey Part 3


I have to admit I was amazed at how quickly you can find out you are pregnant through surrogacy. Twelve days after the transfer date, I was confirmed pregnant. Inevitably, after the pregnancy was confirmed is when the questions started: “Do you feel pregnant?

I have to admit I was amazed at how quickly you can find out you are pregnant through surrogacy. Twelve days after the transfer date, I was confirmed pregnant. Inevitably, after the pregnancy was confirmed is when the questions started: “Do you feel pregnant?” At first, no, I didn’t, which in itself was amazing. That was short-lived. Within two weeks after confirmation of pregnancy, morning sickness set in. Oh, the joys of being nauseous all day every day! The intended parents tried to sympathize with me, but they were so overjoyed at this visible proof of pregnancy they had a hard time!

After my pregnancy was confirmed via blood test, the doctor’s office scheduled two ultrasounds: the first during my seventh week of pregnancy and the second on my ninth week of pregnancy. At the seventh week ultrasound, the intended parents got to see their baby (just one, thank goodness!), and watch the fluttering of his/her little heart. It was still too early to actually hear a heartbeat, but you could see it. It was simply amazing.

At the ninth week ultrasound, they got to see how much he/she had grown in two weeks, watch him/her move in utero, and hear a heart beat. The wife was so happy that she started to cry. I think that is when it sunk in for her that she was going to have a baby by mid-2016. Up until then, she hadn’t allowed herself to get excited about this pregnancy, in case something went wrong. Watching her reaction to seeing her child where can i buy proscar in the uk reinforced to me that I was doing the right thing.

I don’t think I was fully prepared for how long you have to continue with the hormone injections. I understood taking them up until the transfer date, but never thought past a confirmed pregnancy. It wasn’t until the doctor was discussing how to wean me off the hormones that I understood WHY I had to remain on them for as long as I did. The idea was to keep me on hormones until my placenta was fully developed, functioning, and producing its own hormones.

It’s amazing how your mind can play tricks on you. I think our brains deliberately “forget” things about pregnancy – like how intense labor can be. I remember it hurt, but could not tell you in detail how badly. I also forgot how exhausted you are in your first trimester of pregnancy. I found that even the idea of housework, laundry, or simply cooking dinner was exhausting. Nausea didn’t help in making any food based decisions – nothing sounded good to eat, nor could I rally enough energy to pretend to be enthused about the idea of food. My husband has been carrying a good portion of my housekeeping/cooking duties which is good, otherwise, my girls would probably be living on cold cereal!

The good news is because the embryo was transferred, your first trimester flies by. It seemed like in no time at all the doctors were transferring me over to a “regular” OB/GYN to continue with my prenatal care. It’s hard for me to believe that I only have a little over one week left in my first trimester. I am hopeful that starting my second trimester I will have an increase in energy and appetite!

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